Friday, April 15, 2011

Why Students and Children Love Genee Powerboard?

It was a bright Monday morning. At sharp 8:30 am, the school bell ranged. I saw students running towards their classrooms.

This day of class I started with an introduction to Genee Powerboard- an Interactive Whiteboard with a difference!

Amazingly, I saw so many faces with so many expressions. Each face was full of Excitement, Joy and Surprise, as they saw something ‘New’ in their classroom. This new thing was an incredible Genee Powerboard – An interactive Whiteboard with a difference!

In less than a minute, they all realized that this whiteboard can be operated simply by touching its interactive screen.

The delight on their faces was evident!

And it’s not surprising. At 5 years of age, they were able to touch and gain computer experience just by interacting classroom computer via digital whiteboard, just with their fingers.

All I can say is that, once again, Genee Powerboard savored success by sprinkling its magic onto the hearts of 5 year old ‘Excited’ students.

To get a clear picture of what this amazing Genee Powerboard is, let me explain…

No entangled cables, no mouse, no keyboard and no costly installations, Genee Powerboard’s unique design guarantees safer and better classrooms for present and future. Rather, it brings out creative side of students as they can easily and interactively engage themselves in drawing diagrams, opening images and videos, exploring internet or illustrate their points by writing directly on these whiteboards, and that too with dry-erase marker and finger gestures.

Genee Powerboard is one such amazing Interactive Whiteboard designed for rough usage by students. It utilizes infrared technology to give unparalleled performance in classrooms. These Digital Whiteboards are built to withstand hard knocks or any other learning curve thrown at it in the classrooms. The best part is that Genee Powerboard comes with New Ceramic Surface option which allows the user to use these Digital Whiteboards just like conventional Whiteboards without permanently marking the surface.

In less than 6 hours, I felt a ‘Big’ change, especially, in the students of that class, as now they were able to learn and explore a lot more with interactive learning sessions with this awesome teaching aid.

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